Wednesday, October 22, 2008

As my coworker reads over my shoulder...

I was listening to the Tom Joyner Morning Show on my way to work this morning, and Reverend Al was on. Now, since this blog is new, you won't know that I am generally not a fan of the Reverend. He tends to rub me the wrong way and usually when I hear him, I'll change the station, be it TV or radio. Anyway, so I'm listening and I heard him and went to do the usual. But then I caught what he was talking about...churches having watch night prayer services after the polls close so that instead of black people showing their butts and getting drunk to celebrate, they can bring in this new era with dignity. For anyone who's a nerd like me, here is a page that gives some history on watch nights. Interesting stuff, and I think it would be kinda symbolic. Plus we all know (or are related to) at least one person who will cut a straight fool election night, and that is definitely NOT the way to tear down stereotypes, or to show honor to the winner. Which is the point of celebrating right? Honor? Maybe I'm just confused...

On to less serious topics. I've been trying to figure out a way to make sure all my clothes get put into rotation, but I am a scatterbrain and honestly don't remember what I wear. My last (and quite lazy) attempt to remember involved me leaving clothes in a pile as i wore them...this just left my clothes really wrinkled and actually caused me to lose some stuff. So I've decided to use this awesome blog to track my wearages (yes, I did just invent that word). Feel free to ignore that part, I'll try to remember to put it at the bottom. Today's outfit: gray skirt, teal argyle sweater, white shell, black mary janes, and the pearls. Yes, it's preppy...wanna fight about it?

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